1. The Navy JROTC has initiated a $250k program designed to increase cadets' opportunities for higher education...Subject program is an internet based Online SAT and ACT preparation course at no cost to participating cadets (targeted audience ~ 10th-12th graders)...The course will better prepare students to take the SAT or ACT and attain a competitive score...Cadets will learn test-taking strategies in order to improve scores on the SAT/ACT and on other standardized tests, including those mandated by the "No Child Left Behind" Act.
2. This course is being offered free of charge and without obligation to motivated cadets AND students seeking a college Navy ROTC scholarship who demonstrate a resolve to complete the course of instruction and improve their standardized test results...Results from previous years demonstrate that parental involvement and instructor monitoring of progress were prime factors in successful completion.
3. Internet access is required to participate...Cadets/students must have written approval from their parents/guardians using the attached letter...I must maintain the letter on file for participation...Cadets/students will access the course as follows: http://jrotccollegeprep.com/. Cadets/students can register for the SAT or ACT prep course, but not both.
4. To ensure completion and maximum benefit of the program, I have access to the accounts to monitor participation & progress.
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